AF1 - v1.1.0 release notes

IMPORTANT: you have tu update the firmware to the v1.1.0 before using INDI driver or new ASCOM driver.

Firmware (download, instructions)

  • EEPROM write optimization
  • Added reverse direction option
  • Added maxium position and movement limits
  • Added set custom position option
  • Added coils control
  • Increased speed, reduced vibration

ASCOM (download)

  • Added "Reverse direction" option
  • Added "Set position" option - sets the focuser to custom absolute position, without moving the motor.
  • Added "Max. position" option - maximum position of focuser (in steps).
  • Added "Max. movement" option - maximum position change in a single movement (in steps).
  • Added "Coils control" option - replacement for "Always on" checkbox. Now includes "Always on", "Idle - off", "Idle - coils timeout"
  • Added "Current - move" option - current used for moving the motor.
  • Added "Current - move" option - current used for holding the position when motor is not moving (Coils mode "Always on").

INDI (instructions)

  • introducing INDI driver v1.0